Thursday 27 February 2014


It is our bounden duty to uphold the Honour of the School at all times and in all places, both now as boys and girls and later as men and women, and old boys and old girls. The Honour of the School will not be upheld by talking or writing. It is by his conduct that a man is judged: his deeds speak louder than his words, and a little example persuadeth more than much percept. 

From the School more is to be learnt than the wisdom of books: the conduct of a good man and true may be learnt at school.

A good man and true scorns to succeed by means that are dishonest. he never gives in, he never admits defeat. After being punished or blamed, he does not sulk or complain. He never deserts his friends, his Colour or his School under any circumstances. Above all he will stand up for the king, the king who keeps the enemies beyond the boundaries within which we live and without which, murder, opression, famine and robbery will stalk through our province. To him while we shelter beneath his flag, gratitude and goodness demand our outspoken loyalty.

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